Culture Tourism
Areas of Study :
- Adventure/Nature products
- Specialized Activities Products
- Cultural products
- Inns, Spas, Resorts
- Promotional Programs
- Ecotourism
- Trekking
- Scuba diving
- Safaris
- Cruises
- Arts & Crafts
Business Plan for the creation of a new tour operator in Iqaluit Nunavut, 2020 :
- Analysis of the business environment in Iqaluit for a new operator.
- Development of a detailed business plan to launch the new venture.
Some examples of mandates :
This business plan was prepared for the Department of Economic development of the City of Montreal to start a new “Maison des regions”. This project was announced in January 2017.
Arctic Bay is a small community situated on Baffin Island. It is one of the most Northerly villages. An analysis of the Polar market was undertaken, more specifically tourism in Nunavut on land and by cruise ship through the North-West Passage.
Expansion Strategies developed the concept, the feasibility study and the execution plan to organize an operator to receive tourists and offer them high class quality programs. Such an organization would allow this community to benefit from this emerging market by the creation of employment and sales services to foreign tour operators and tourists.
Identification of the cluster, development of a strategy to launch the cluster, feasibility study to establish a platform to support the start-up phase of the Cluster.
Jacques Grysole assisted with the evaluation of the sub-sectors of the future cluster; made recommendations as to how the cluster should operate; establish approaches to potential markets for all the cultural products domestically, regionally and internationally. Make recommendations on how the competitiveness of the seven component sectors of cultural cluster could be enhanced through business and trade facilitation, legislative and institutional capacity strengthening, human resources development etc.; the seven sectors being:
- Audio-Visual
- Music
- Fashion
- Visual Arts
- Publishing and Printing
- Heritage
- Culinary Arts
The main tasks carried in this mandate
- Positioning study for the cinema industry in Quebec in regards to the American productions.
- Review and analysis of the competitive situation of about 20 regions in North America, Europe and Africa trying to develop a film industry. The main clusters reviewed were:
- USA: California, New York, Chicago, Florida and New Mexico;
- Canada: Vancouver, Manitoba and Nova Scotia;
- Other countries: Australia, South Africa, Romania
- Check Republic.
- Presentation of the report at the Forum on the Film Industry Cluster.
Business Plan to set the Coordination Bureau of the Quebec Film Industry as the base for a new Cluster.
Within the context of a marketing strategy for Cameroon, evaluation of the products, studies of target markets, development of objectives and means of action. This study included also a development plan and a training manual in tourism development.
International arrivals increased from 200 000 in 2002 to 476 000 in 2007